Tuesday, September 16, 2008


I would like to talk about Osechi-Ryori today.
Osechi-Ryori is a Traditional Japanese New Year Foods.
Most of Japanese know what Osechi-Ryori is because it has been started from Heian period. (800's)
Japanese buy or cook Osechi-ryori End of a year and New year.
Osechi-Ryori looks like lunch box but there are lot of colorful foods inside.
Some Major foods inside of the box are DATEMAKI, KAMABOKO, KAZUNOKO,KUROMAME
DATEMAKI is circle yellow color. It is a sweet rolled omlette with fish paste and mashed shrimp.

KAMABOKO is circle pink and white color. It is a broiled fish paste. It is a wish for many auspicious days.

KAZUNOKO is stick yellow color. It is a number of egg of fish. It is a wish to be gifted numerous children in new year.
KUROMAME is black bean. We eat them with a lot of sugar. It symbolizes Health in New Year
For Osechi-Ryori, Japanese use a special box because having this food box is a really important for Japanese to have health and great a year ahead.

Some of them just buy Osechi box but some cook by themselves.
My family always buy them in new year.
We eat midnight of December 31st and whole day of January 1st.

Osechi-Ryori is definitely healthy foods because it is not made by snack
or other junk foods. It is made by fich, beans, vegitable, and some meet.
If you have a chance to buy it, recommend you to buy and eat!!!
You will be able to have a great year ahead!!!!

all pictures are from Google

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